Debbie Urquhart

Debbie Urquhart was born in 1972 and she trained as an artist as Newcastle University, where she graduated with a BA in Fine Art in 1995. Debbie has a focus on the elegant geometry beneath and between the objects and ephemera of the everyday. This focus means that her artwork often depicts interiors, tables, chairs, windows and other items of the everyday. This might sound straightforward, but in practice it is anything but, for Debbie does things with these objects in their surrounding space which makes her pieces of art amazingly dynamic.
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Exploring Geometric Space Between Everyday Objects
There is a unique character to Debbie's art which is born out of the way she makes a real effort to focus on what happens in the space between these everyday objects. The object is never there in isolation in her pieces of art. It is always reaching out into the space around, projecting its shadow outward away from a perceptible light source just out of view. The play of these shadows becomes just as interesting as the objects themselves. As this space in between begins to be populated with the shapes that the objects project, one begins to sense the almost tangible density of the space in the pictures.
Harmonious & Intricately Poised Scenes
This is a study in the interrelations of shape, as table tops are titled to become pictures within pictures, and views through windows offer frames to view another intricately positioned scene. You can tell the level of mastery that this artist has when looking at the composition of these pieces. Everything is consciously positioned so that angles, corners, shapes and shadows guide the eye around a harmonious and intricately poised interior world.
Characterful Still Life Debbie Urquhart Prints
It is not just the shapes and positions of the objects which delights the eye so much in Debbie Urquhart's artwork, but also the shading and colour choices. Her choice of colours are quintessentially English and seem to hark back to 17th century interiors, at the same time as they are undeniably of fresh and modern. This aesthetically pleasing and timeless vision gives these everyday still life scenes something of a transcendent quality. Available as signed limited editions, these Debbie Urquhart prints come in a variety of frame choices to suit your interior.