We have just received delivery of some beautiful new decorative wall mirrors. These kind of mirrors are useful as well as beautiful and can be used in various places like the back wall at the end of a short hallway or even a stairway to make it appear longer or higher. Or why not make it more of a feature in your lounge or dining room. Things like this can create a talking point.
Most of our decorative mirrors can be found in unique frames and can come in a variety of colours. Silver being a popular choice at the moment there has been a huge addition of silver mirrors in the past few years. A perfect example of this is our Square Ribbon Wall Mirror (below), a decorative mirror like this is often used more as a feature or like a sculpture rather than a mirror.
The mirror to our right is another great mirror to create a feature, a bit more understated but this kind of mirror can create lots of space and feeling of depth. The concaved frame draws you in while the pierced ribbed sections adds more light and dimension creating that feeling of depth. Picture does not do it justice, a stunning decorative but useful wall mirror. We have many different styles of decorative mirrors whether its something with a more traditional feel or a bit more style led.
You can view our full collection of decorative wall mirrors on our website. A great place for wall decor. Search and compare only wall mirrors on our sister website Mirror-Shop.co.uk. An easy place to shop for wall mirrors online.