Why Buy Original Art?
Historically, paintings and sculptures were prize possessions that were handed down through generations. They carried great value and importance for those that could afford them and took time and expertise to produce. Then the age of mass production took over and we became swamped with imagery that was quick and easy to get hold of.
More recently there has been an increase in the trend for buying Original Art. There are many factors that contribute to this trend including more awareness of new artists through the media and the accessibility to original art through the internet. We are seeing more value in purchasing an original piece of art and have more disposable income than we used to. So what are the reasons for buying original art?
It’s Unique
Original art is one-of-a-kind. No one else will have the exact same piece as you, whether it is a stunning landscape oil painting or a contemporary bronze sculpture. In a world of mass production, copies and fakes, original art is something special to own. Our culture today has become saturated with imagery from the media, which has meant many people are being drawn towards the individual and the unique. If you are looking for something that no one else has then original art would be the top choice as it adds to that sense of rarity and ownership.
An Investment
Original art is generally more valuable because it is unique and an artist has put much more time and effort into the piece. By buying a piece of original art you are investing in the artist and their work. Some artists might be fresh from University or college and others are up and coming later on in their lives. As an artist’s popularity grows so generally does the value of their artwork. Trends and fashions can affect how popular an artist becomes and the value of the artwork but no matter what the trends are doing original art can be treasured by you and become a family heirloom for generations to come.
Feel a Connection
In a painting or sculpture you will see the layers that build up the work, the textures within it and the brush strokes or finger prints on it. Seeing that level of detail from the creation of a piece of art is far more impressive than what you see with a print. The artists hand created the art and this provides a personal touch to the work. If you admire an artist’s work then having one of their paintings for your own gives you a connection with the artist. It provides us an engaging link to humanity.
Be Inspired
Having a piece of original art hung in your home or workplace can help to inspire those that see it. The image that an artist has created and that you have been inspired to purchase, can uplift and motivate a person each time they view the work. That creative element in your life can stimulate your own creative side, provoke questions and thoughts and allow our imagination to flow. It could even drive you to achieve your own goals.
Make a Statement
An original piece of art can have a powerful impact on a room. It is a focal point and a feature to show off. The artwork will stand out and become a great talking point for guests or visitors. Displaying an original piece of art is also seen as a sign of success and many people start with one piece and soon move onto gradually building their own collections to enjoy.
You Just Love It
So although there are many reasons why you would buy original art, one of the most important reasons is simply because you love it. If you purchase a piece of artwork that you adore to look at and have in your space, then it makes you feel great.
Ready to find your own original artwork? Here at Enid Hutt we have a great range of original art from abstract to illustration. If you need any help or advice please feel free to contact us.