Oil Paintings
We have some beautiful original oil paintings here for you to explore. Our carefully selected range includes a variety of subjects from nature and landscapes, to cityscapes and figurative art all depicted in beautiful oils. The qualities of oil as a paint is such that the artist is able to have supreme control of the colour, texture, depth and tone of what is being committed to canvas. This collection of originals really does show you what magic can be achieved when a talented artist is given some high quality oil paint.
Buy Stunning Original Oil Paintings - Free UK Delivery Over £150
Nature in Oils
Oil painting can be at its most sublime when the paint is used to represent the beauty of nature. This much is showcased in our collection, which brings you the best of contemporary oil painting. The scenes that you can see will involve such natural wonders and pastoral joys as a rich evening's sky over the swelling sea, a picturesque cottage next to a lake, deer drifting through an empty field, a forest in autumnal colour and much more.
Oil Paintings in a Wide Range of Themes and Subjects
Of course it is not just nature paintings that are represented in this fantastic collection. There is also a wide array of stunning original oil paintings that take up different themes and subjects too. This should be of no surprise, as the popularity of oil paint comes from the fact that it is so versatile. This versatility in the oil paint itself is reflected in the collection, which ranges from fantasy to figurative oil paintings, abstract paintings to animal oil paintings and beyond. We like to make sure that we also have a good variety when it comes to the artists themselves, so that you will be able to pick up original oil artwork from some of the most exciting upcomers in the art world, as well as those who have been established for many years.
Original Oil Paintings
The original artwork is available as oil on canvas, on board, with some pieces framed and some not. There are options for a range of budgets which will allow you to pick up a fine original oil painting that will compliment any space. But there are also some pieces in this collection which are those absolute statement pieces that will steal the show in any room.