James Blinkhorn

Within his art, James Blinkhorn loves to explore the idea of man's incursion on the environment. These powerful and stylish James Blinkhorn prints can be bought here at the Enid Hutt Gallery, including signed limited editions.
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British Artist
Born to an artistic family in Manchester, James Blinkhorn certainly displayed promising talent from a very early age. After leaving art college, he set up a studio in Cheshire and became successful through his own shows around the area, establishing a reputation in the artistic community.
Cityscapes With Atmosphere
James Blinkhorn prints show the wonderful array of talent this artist has, clearly inspired by the outdoors with interesting shapes, textures and colours. Many of his art uses cityscape and he uses his experiences of travel to convey the atmospheres and even sounds of the city through his artwork. Occasionally James Blinkhorn uses bold colours in order to bring fast sports cars to life within some of the more grey monotone paintings. This gives a breathtaking punch of life into the artworks.