Robert Lenkiewicz
We are privileged to have signed limited edition Robert Lenkiewicz prints here at the Enid Hutt Gallery that would be a valuable addition to anyone's collection. Robert Lenkiewicz is one of the South West of England's most celebrated artists of modern times. A prolific talent and an interesting character, Robert Lenkiewicz inhabited a place at once in the mainstream and on the fringes of the art world.
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About Robert Lenkiewicz
Robert Lenkiewicz was born in 1942 in London; his parents were Jewish refugees. He always had a strong attraction to art, and at the age of 16 he was accepted into St Martin's College of Art and Design. He would later attend The Royal Academy, though he felt that his artistic freedom was stifled by the academy. He would go on to establish his first studio in 1964. But this soon developed into being more or less an open house for any and all who he came across that needed a roof over their head.
Fringes of Soeciety & Controversial Topics
This soon became problematic for Robert, and he had to leave his first studio. He found himself at first teaching in Cornwall, before then finding studio space in Plymouth. He still, as seen before with his first studio, remained most interested in those on the fringes of society. His artistic project was something he would have considered to be intellectual enquiry as well as a means of creative expression. Many Robert Lenkiewicz paintings engage with what at the time were controversial topics. Although he was never in his day the most critically respected of artists, now many look back on his body of work and cannot be but impressed by his almost super-human level of output.
Self-portraiture - Robert Lenkiewicz Prints
A keen and searching mind, Robert Lenkiewicz's library contains some 25,000 texts, many of which religious and philosophical. His paintings were a means of thinking through ideas as well as exploring aesthetics. On top of many of the conceptually themed projects which he undertook, one of the main threads running through his vast body of artwork is the act of self-portraiture. An interesting glimse at the appearance of the man himself and beyond.