Tony Hinchliffe

Tony Hinchliffe's figurative art is designed to portray intimacy and to create a powerful mood which is charged with emotion. Tony uses his art as realm of pure escapism, and at the same time he invites the viewer to experience it in the same way. Tony is a master of oil paint, and he sometimes uses an acrylic underpainting technique so that he is able to benefit from the way that the oils react to when applied over acrylic. He is always pushing himself to refine his technique so that his painting process best expresses a feeling of unbound energy and freedom.
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Figurative Oil Paintings
Tony Hinchliffe's art is a finely balanced combination of careful placement of contrasts and a free-flowing spontaneity in his brushwork. The result is a painting of depth and poise. He is a master of capturing the intricacies of body language, creating a subtle narrative through the portrayal of how the body can explicitly and implicitly express emotion. Tony himself is a figure drawing teacher, and so uses these hours teaching others as an opportunity to fine tune the way that he creates his own figurative paintings.
A Visual Diary
He has said that he finds his paintings in many ways to be like a visual diary. This is not in the sense that his paintings are autobiographical in subject, but rather that they will be expressions of his emotions at the time of painting. In this way, Tony has said that his most successful artworks are the ones which to him express his emotions and feelings at the time of painting most successfully. Explore our excellent range of Tony Hinchliffe signed limited edition prints and find the one that captures your interest and emotions.
Tony Hinchliffe Signed Limited Edition Prints
Although this range of Tony Hinchliffe prints are figurative in theme, Tony finds inspiration not only in people but also in oceans, landscapes and the way that different weather patterns have an effect on the appearance of natural scenes. With that said, his passion for exploring the beauty of the natural world is in recent years also being expressed in his body of work through a number of landscape paintings. Again, as with his figurative works, these prints revolve around the depth of mood with is created by his manipulation of the interplay between dynamic texture and colour.